About Us
Hi I’m Jen and I own Bea & Aud Lifestyle
Hi there!
I have a background in fashion as I owned a fabulous high street boutique with my Mum called Coco Marie for 13 amazing years. During that time I was often asked for quotes in industry magazines and became known in the local area (Amersham) for my high street campaigns and encouraging people to shop locally with small businesses.
We shut the shop down 7 years ago so I could concentrate on raising my kids and having a bit of a career change, but now all these years later I have realised what I love and what makes me tick so I am back with Bea & Aud Lifestyle!
The website will focus on a few clothing brands that will add not only some core pieces to your wardrobe but will also show you how to style them with existing pieces you may already have. The homeware will add some serious style to your living space and the gifting will show any loved ones how much you truly value them.
Who are Bea & Aud
Well Bea & Aud were my glamorous grannies- two fabulous ladies in their own rights, completely different but utterly amazing.
My Nan Beatrice (Bea) and my Grandad Edward (Ted) on their wedding day
Bea (or Beatrice) was my Mum’s Mum and pretty incredible:
*She worked 3 jobs to support her family as my Grandad was Agoraphobic and could only work from home.
*She loved having her hair and nails done and some of my favourite memories are of brushing her hair and seeing her smile
*She loved a sherry or two at Christmas
*She was always immaculately dressed, everything ironed, everything pristine
My grandmother Audrey (Aud or Gorge as her Grandkids called her) and my Grandfather Charles (we named our son after him- his Grandkids all called him Read!)
Aud (or Audrey- or Gorge if you were her grandchild!) was my Dad’s Mum and a real character:
*She got married and had her first child, my Uncle at 18.
*She had 6 children, the first 2 she raised on her own as my Grandad was away in Canada working to raise the money to bring them over.
*She loved a party and a good drink and chat and was always at the epicentre of any fun to be had!
*I never saw her with a hair out of place, and she had a passion for fabulous jewellery